• Staffs recognise that breast feeding is an essential role in the health and well-being of babies, mothers and families/ whanau.

  • Aim to protect the physical and emotional health and well-being of all children attending by providing an environment where children health is promoted, their emotional well-being is nurtured and they are kept safe from hard.

  • Staff will ensure that all children and mothers feel safe and secure in the knowledge that breastfeeding is welcome and supported.

  • Staff will create an environment where breastfeeding is the norm.

  • Staff will ensure that information available from the Ministry of Health and the World health organization is available for parents and teachers.

  • Sand Dunes support the right of parents to choose their own preferred method of infant nutritious.

  • We will ensure that accurate, evidence based information is available to support families to make informed choices.

  • We will invite parents to share any issues, thoughts, or concerns they may have about breast feeding in the centre.

  • We will create a welcoming space for families with comfortable chairs. Cushions and access to fluids.

  • We will support mothers who choose to feed in the main play area.

  • We will display posters depicting breastfeeding mothers.

  • We will ensure that all teachers and centre staff understand the importance of correct storage and heating of breast milk if mothers choose to express.
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